

Privacy Policy

  1. Things that we save on our server
  2. We save your personal information on our server. This includes
    • your name
    • your username
    • your profile photo
    • your email
    • your password (hashed with salt)
    • your phone number (if you opted for 2-Step Verification)
    • your diaries
    • your chat messages
    • your friend relationships
    We save these types of data on our server to operate the service.
    Your email and hashed password are saved when you create an account. If you use a social login (like pressing the "Continue with Apple" thing), there's no password that'll be saved.
    Email is used to identify your account and to notify you when there's an update on policies.
    Password is used to protect your account from others. Don't reuse passwords.
    Phone number is used to protect your account if you opted for 2-Step Verification
    Your name, username, and profile photo are saved on our server when you set up your profile. Profiles can be accessed by anyone using Atrable.
    Your diaries are saved on our server.
    Your chat messages are saved on our server.
    Chat messages are encrypted in transit, but once they reach our database, they're decrypted and reside there forever. This is quite risky, so we're currently working on implementing end-to-end encryption.
    We will never disclose your private diaries and chat messages to anybody. However, if your government desperately wants your data, we will... disclose them to your government. (We have to survive too bro)
    To prevent us from getting blamed, we're developing end-to-end encryption for chat messages. It'll be out there soon.
  3. When are these data saved?
  4. When you use Atrable app, for example when creating an Atrable account, saving (uploading) a diary, sending a chat message, etc., these data would be saved on our server.
  5. Where are these data saved?
  6. Firebase Authentication (managed by Google) is used to authenticate your access to our service.
    Cloud Firestore (managed by Google) is used to store every data, including but not limited to your profile, diaries, friend relationships, and chats with friends.
    Cloud Storage for Firebase (managed by Google) is used to save audio, photo, and video files that you upload.
    Cloud Functions for Firebase (managed by Google) is used for automated actions, such as notifying you of certain actions (new messages from your friend, your friend reacted to your diary, ... ) and counting the number of the reactions of diaries.
    Firebase Cloud Messaging (managed by Google) is used to send you notifications.
    Your data is transferred to the service providers listed above.
    Just fyi, Google doesn't count "transferring user data to a service provider" as "sharing" data with a third party, so our Google Play Data Safety page does not state that we share your data with a third party.
  7. How do we manage your data?
  8. We use encryption technologies to keep your data safe while in transit.
    We have systematic security rules set up to prevent unauthorized access to your data.
    We have access to your data. We use this access solely to assist you with deleting your data from our server and to regulate public diaries that are reported to be inappropriate / spam.
    Your authentication information is securely saved on our server.
    Your password is hashed with salt before being saved on the server so that your original password will be secured by encryption technologies even in the worst-case scenario.
    • Anybody can see your profile.
    • The people that you block will still be able to see your profile.
    • Only you can set up and edit your profile.
    • Only you can upload a diary with your identity.
    • Only you can edit your diary.
    • People that you block will not be able to listen to any of your diaries.
    • Anybody who is not blocked can listen to your Public diaries
    Only Friends
    • Only your friends can listen to your OnlyFriends diaries
    • Only you can listen to your Private diaries
    Only you and the chat participants can access the chat messages in your chatroom.
  9. How do I delete my data from Atrable server?
  10. Authentication
    To delete your authentication information, delete your account.
    To delete your profile, delete your account.
    To delete your diary, tap ··· on the top right corner of the Diary, tap ··· button on the top right corner of the page, and tap Delete button.
    Or just delete your account.
    To delete your chat messages, delete your account.
  11. Where to contact
  12. Send an email to hi-law@atrable.com for any further questions and requests.